Wholistic Health Series - Session #1: What is Mental Health?

On May 4, 2023, UHN’s RBCD clinic kicked off our Wholistic Health Series with Certified Health Coach, Aisha Saintiche. This session explored mental health and why it matters for people with Sickle Cell Disease, Thalassemia, and other Red Blood Cell Disorders.

What is Mental Health?

Mental health is:

A state of well-being in which the individual realizes [their] own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.
— World Health Organization

Mental health is more than mental illness and disorder. We all have mental health and can take actions in our day-to-day life to support our mental wellbeing.

Why does Mental Health Matter for People with Sickle Cell Disease, Thalassemia, and other Red Blood Cell Disorders?

Living with a Red Blood Cell Disorder can impact your mental health and wellbeing. These may include any of the following feelings:

  • Depression: Pain, hospital visits, and health issues can lead to feelings of sadness and hopelessness

  • Anxiety: Unpredictable health issues can lead to worries and fears about managing health

  • Post-Traumatic Stress: Hospital visits and painful procedures can be traumatic and shape lasting symptoms, including flashbacks, worries, and sadness

  • Social Isolation: People may fear having pain or symptoms in public and therefore may avoid social situations. This can lead to feelings of loneliness.

  • Stigma: Negative attitudes about illness and disability and society can lead to feelings of shame and impact self-esteem

How can I support my Mental Health?

There are steps you can take to support your mental health and wellbeing. These include:

  • Practicing gratitude and acceptance

  • Taking care of physical Health

  • Nourishing your body

  • Connecting with your community

  • Seeking support

Watch the Full Session!

Gain an understanding of mental health, the difference between mental health and mental illness, and the mental health continuum. Learn how Sickle Cell Disease, Thalassemia, and other Red Blood Cell Disorders can impact mental health and wellbeing.

Evaluation: Click here to share your feedback on the workshop to shape future sessions!

Next Session: Intersectionality of Mental Health

Our second session for the Wholistic Health Series takes place on Thursday May 18, 2023 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. This session is called “Intersectionality of Mental Health.” It will explore how oppression, including anti-Black Racism, Racism, and Ableism, impacts mental health and wellbeing. You can register for this session here!

Learn More


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