The Trillium Drug Program
We all need an umbrella for rainy days. The “Umbrella for Rainy Days” series describes income support (financial assistance) programs. This article explores the Trillium Drug Program, with a special focus on people with Sickle Cell Disease, Thalassemia, and other Red Blood Cell Disorders.
What is the Trillium Drug Program (TDP)?
The TDP is a government program that helps pay for high cost prescription-drugs for people with OHIP and no or limited private drug insurance.
How does the TDP Work?
Every three months, you pay 1 % of your household’s income on medications. Once you have paid 1 %, the TDP covers the remaining cost until the next quarter. In total, with the TDP, you pay a maximum of 4 % of your income on medications per program year, which is August 1 to July 31.
TIP: If you have not met your quarterly deductible, it will carry over to the next quarter
Who should apply for the TDP?
You should apply to TDP if you:
have a valid OHIP card;
are between the ages of 25 and 64; and
have no or limited drug coverage
What are some situations where the TDP can be helpful?
Common situations where have no drug coverage and should be applying for the TDP include:
You are turning 25 years old in the next few months
You were a refugee claimant who is now accepted as a Permanent Resident in Canada
You are leaving social assistance (Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program) because you have found work
Your work, which had private drug insurance, is ending
Your private insurance through work is not enough to cover your drug costs
You are primarily covered by private insurance but have high co-payments (The TDP would be a secondary coverage - you would need to pay and submit copayment receipts to the TDP)
How do I apply for the TDP?
You can apply for the TDP online. You will need:
Social Insurance Number
Private drug coverage information for all members of your household.
You and any one over the age of 16 in your household will also have to provide a digital consent as part of the application.
What Start Date do I put on the TDP Application?
To get the lowest deductible, put the start date as the first day you will be filling your prescriptions (getting your medications). This can be a future or past date!
TIP: If you are not sure what date to choose as your enrolment start date, you can leave it blank.
Your application will be put on hold until you contact the TDP and provide your enrolment start date.
TIP: You cannot change your enrolment start date for the TDP once you have provided it
I have more questions about the TDP
You can call the TDP at 416-642-3038, Monday – Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
TIP: If you are a UHN RBCD patient, you can request support from a social worker through myUHN!
Did you know that the Trillium Drug Program is the legacy of AIDS Action Now!?
These activists from Toronto’s HIV/AIDS community put political pressure for a life-saving public drug program. This resulted in the Trillium Drug Program, which was announced by the then premier on the eve of World AIDS day in 1994.
Programs exist because people fought for them.
Learn More
About the Author
Sinthu Srikanthan is a social worker in the Red Blood Cell Disorders Clinic at UHN. She is passionate about Anti-Racist/Anti-Oppressive practice.