The Official Blog of the University Health Network’s Red Blood Cell Disorders Clinic. Stories that matter.
Sickle Cell Disease and Mental Health: Tips for Coping with the Physical and Emotional Challenges of a Chronic Condition
While Sickle Cell Disease is primarily known as a physical condition, it can have a significant toll on a person's mental well-being. Studies have revealed that Sickle Cell Disease can trigger a range of mental symptoms such as anxiety, depression, poor nutrition, and stress. The chronic nature of the illness and the recurring episodes of pain and physical limitations can be stressful.
Wholistic Health Series - Session #2: Intersectionality and Mental Health
On May 18, 2023, UHN’s RBCD clinic hosted the second session of the Wholistic Health Series with Certified Health Coach, Aisha Saintiche. This session explored Intersectionality and Mental Health, including how Anti-Black Racism, Racism, Ableism, and health-related stigma impacts mental health and wellbeing for people with Sickle Cell Disease, Thalassemia, and other Red Blood Cell Disorders.
Wholistic Health Series - Session #1: What is Mental Health?
On May 4, 2023, UHN’s RBCD clinic kicked off our Wholistic Health Series with Certified Health Coach, Aisha Saintiche. This session explored mental health and why it matters for people with Sickle Cell Disease, Thalassemia, and other Red Blood Cell Disorders.
Counter-Storytelling for Social Change - Part 2: Miss Lillie Johnson
Counter-Storytelling is “a method of telling the stories of people whose experiences not often told.” By telling these stories, we can expose, analyze, and challenge racism as well as promote social justice. In this series, we tell counter stories to highlight the challenges and triumphs around community advocacy and Sickle Cell Disease. Beginning in the 1960s, Black Nurses in Canada and the United Kingdom, who were also battling workplace anti-Black racism, advocated for care for Sickle Cell Disease. In honour of Nursing Week, this article explores counter-storytelling through some of the many accomplishments of the Canadian Sickle Cell advocate, Miss Lillie Johnson.
The RBCD Hub Celebrates Thalassemia Awareness Day!
May 8th is Thalassemia Awareness Day – a day dedicated to increase knowledge and awareness of Thalassemia as well as to provide support for impacted peoples.
Key Traits of People with Thalassemia that make them Great Corporate Professionals
Knowing yourself means knowing about your strengths and your weaknesses. When you have a chronic disorder, like Thalassemia, everything may seem like a weakness. However, if one looks deeply enough, one may see that this is not the case.
Counter-Storytelling for Social Change - Part 1: The Black Panther Party
Counter-Storytelling is “a method of telling the stories of people whose experiences not often told.” By telling these stories, we can expose, analyze, and challenge racism as well as promote social justice. In this series, we tell counter stories to highlight the challenges and triumphs around community advocacy and Sickle Cell Disease.
This article explores counter-storytelling through the lens of the Black Panther Party.
Silent Warrior, Beautiful Warrior
As a child, I learnt ways to drown out the noise on the outside by managing the noise on the inside. Pain never showed on my face.
Inside the Patient’s Waiting Room
It is Tiana’s 6-month follow-up appointment. She is sitting in the clinic room, looking around on the wall. Tiana notices research studies, the computer on the desk, and the medical equipment around her. As Tiana takes in the clinic, she begins to gather her thoughts about her health from the past six months to share with her doctor.
Top Five Things to do during Transfusion
A Business Developer, Registered Nurse, MBA candidate, and Board Trustee of the Thalassemia Foundation – Shirin is always on the go! We caught up with Shirin and asked about her top five things to do during transfusion.
The RBCD Clinic’s Wholistic Health Series
The University Health Network's Red Blood Cell Disorders Clinic is inviting patients, families, and caregivers impacted by Sickle Cell Disease, Thalassemia, and other Red Blood Disorders to join us for a FREE Five-Part Wholistic Health Series.
Ontario Health Launches the Quality Standard for Sickle Cell Disease!
On January 26, 2023, Ontario Health launched new health standards to improve care for people living with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), setting the stage for high quality care.
Balancing Work-Life and a Chronic Illness
Money makes the world go round. Although money is not everything, it is certainly important enough to help us survive. To make money, we need to have or get…
Down with Capitalism! How to take Better Care of Yourself while living with Sickle Cell Disease
From the time we are born, we are asked as children, ‘what do you want to be when you grow up?’ Then, from childhood to adulthood, you change your mind, probably…
Why a Primary Care Provider is an Important Part of My Health Care Team
A primary care provider is the person who is most responsible for your overall health care across your life. They can either be a family doctor or a nurse practitioner…
The Role of Patient Relations in RBCD Care at UHN
The Patient Relations Department at the University Health Network helps to support patients and families through their health care experiences by addressing questions, complaints, suggestions, and compliments…
Navigating Post-Secondary Education: Getting Registered with Accessibility Offices
College and university can be a new and exciting journey for many – in addition to pursuing meaningful learning, post-secondary education is an opportunity…
My Sickle Cell Disease Warrior, Blood Moon: Cosplaying to Cope
People who live with sickle cell disease (SCD) are constantly fighting to overcome whatever complications and challenges that head our way…
The Accessibility Office and the Red Blood Cell Disorders: Reflections from an Accessibility Counsellor living with Thalassemia
Many years ago, as a young-hearted 25-year-old, after graduating with my Masters of Counseling Psychology, my ambition was to work in counseling…
Race, Racism, and Sickle Cell Disease: Where it Began and Where it Ends
A genetic illness, Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) can affect anyone. It is commonly diagnosed in people of African, Hispanic-American, Middle Eastern, Indian, and Mediterranean descent.